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All designs and photography © Saint De La Mare Limited 

Otford, Kent

Our lovely client had downsized her house and her garden and wanted to make the most of the new smaller garden and the glorious views out onto the North Downs.


We designed the garden to mirror the contemporary decor within the house to flow through into the garden. Horizontal slatted fence panels were installed to drawn your eye though the garden. A low rendered wall spiralled gently up from the ground to create a circular seating around a paved area. Tempered glass formed the boundary at the bottom of the garden, allowing uninterupted views onto the Kent countryside.


The planting palette was kept intentionally simple; the client favoured blues lilacs and whites. Topiary Buxus balls punctuated the garden, sitting comfortably along the granite sett path, providing evergreen interest through the year.


The artificial circular lawn was laid to help keep the maintenance low and was finised off with an alluminium edging.






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